
Crackdown on Texting and Driving Due to an Increase in Car Accidents in New York

A major crackdown on texting while driving went into effect when legislation was signed into law this past Friday by Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York. In addition to the fines that will be levied, penalties of five points will be applied to the license of any driver who is caught and ticketed. This penalty also applies to drivers who use a cell phone while driving.

Tougher sanctions for drivers with permits and probationary and junior licenses will be imposed by having their licenses suspended for the first offense and after a second offense, within six months of the first, the revocation of the probationary license for six months and the junior license for 60 days.

New York has reported car accidents, due to cell phone use, has more than doubled in the period from 2005 to 2011. A 2011 survey showed that 45 percent of students 16 and older texted or emailed while driving, according to the sponsors of the new legislation.

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