
Tips to follow to avoid car accidents during inclement weather on long Island

Safety tips when driving in inclement weather on Long Island
As New York residents, everyone knows that winter brings several days of shoveling snow, cleaning off the cars or trucks we own, and trying to dig out of the remaining mounds of snow. We have all seen and heard the warnings on the radio and major news channels that we should avoid traveling, if at all possible, but we all know, a lot of businesses remain open while many of schools close. We are then left with the difficult decision as to whether we should travel to work or face the consequences, with our employers, if we stay home for our own safety.

We have had a significant amount of precipitation this winter season that includes snow, sleet, ice, and rain which have contributed to complicated travel conditions all over the New York area.  It is no wonder that the travel during the winter months brings an increase in the number of motor vehicle accidents on many Long Island roadways. Most people do not have a choice, during inclement weather, to avoid traveling to their jobs, even though there have been given notice of hazardous conditions and warnings to stay off the roads. Even so, roads may not be properly plowed or salted, making it dangerous for commuters to travel safely. When roads are not properly cleared, drivers may skid off the road and trapped in snow banks or even hit non-moving objects, such as curbs or telephone poles. For more severe cases, drivers may crash into other cars, causing serious accidents that may also result in injuries requiring medical attention. There are many types of car accidents and injuries that can occur from driving in inclement weather.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Motorists should approach travel with caution if absolutely necessary on days with such hazardous conditions.
  • Speed should be reduced when driving to ensure the safety of oneself and others on the roadways.
  • Vehicles should be properly cleaned before driving and any distractions while operating any vehicle should be eliminated.
  • Some may advise to have food and water present in the event of an emergency, as well as a first aid kit.

Despite all this, many drivers do not execute caution while driving and may speed, tailgate and drive erratically causing accidents with those who may be taking every precautionary measure to ensure a safe travel to their destination. In many other cases, some motorists become fearful when driving in such conditions, which can also pose problems on the roadways.

It is important to keep in mind that if travel is not necessary, staying home and off the roadways is the responsible and safe decision. If you must travel, always use caution to protect yourself and others from causing unnecessary car accidents on Long Island and elsewhere in the surrounding areas that may lead to more severe consequences than staying indoors.

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